The purpose of the praxis is to provide modern and comprehensive medical services to all patients with diseases related to the upper and lower digestive tract, liver, pancreas and bile duct system. We also provide the possibility of prescribing medicines and examinations in patients with public insurance.
In order to achieve this goal adherence to certain principles of the Hippocratic medicine is required.
In order to diagnose and treat all diseases, it is necessary to develop a relationship between doctor and patient based on trust, honesty and, above all, on confidentiality .
Each patient is different and the successful diagnosis and treatment of the disease is linked to a
detailed history
extensive clinical examination
personalization of treatment according to the needs and particularities of each patient.
The doctor’s aim is not to “cure” the laboratory values, but to address the etiology and symptoms of each patient’s condition. For this purpose, it is considered necessary the continuous educational and scientific training of the doctor, the knowledge of the national and international guidelines and the implementation of medical procedures based on the latest scientifically substantiated studies .
Detailed information and patient consent should precede any diagnostic or therapeutic procedure. Each patient should be informed by a physician at least 24 hours before each invasive procedure and given the opportunity to withdraw his consent if he wishes so.
Due to the complexity of many diseases, each physician is required to seek the advice and experience of colleagues of other specialties within interdisciplinary committees. Due to his many years of experience and specialization in university centers in Europe, Asia and America, Dr. Thomaidis guarantees patients a holistic, highly scientific, but above all humane approach to their illnesses, ensuring that the patient remains at the center of the medical services provided.
The recording of all medical procedures and findings is the responsibility of the physician, who at each visit informs the patient’s electronic file .