Advanced Diagnostic & Therapeutic Endoscopy.

Thomas Thomaidis MD PhD

Thomas Thomaidis MD PhD

Contact us and schedule your appointment.


We utilize cutting-edge technology to provide our services.


Comprehensive therapeutic management of diseases.

Gastroenterology – Hepatology

Tομέας της Ιατρικής που ασχολείται με το σύνολο των παθήσεων του πεπτικού συστήματος

GI – Oncology

Thorough diagnostic and therapeutic approach of the gastrointestinal oncologic diseases.


Endoscopy is the most important tool in modern medicine in terms of understanding and treating most of the diseases of the digestive system. With the help of the latest advanced techniques of magnifying endoscopy and chromoendoscopy, we provide patients with an accurate and valid diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases even in the early stages. In addition, the methods of minimally invasive endoscopy provide patients with the opportunity to completely treat diseases that would otherwise require a surgical approach (eg polyps, early cancers, etc.).

Gastroenterology – Hepatology

This is the field of medicine that deals with all diseases of the digestive system. Based on his many years of experience in institutions abroad and at home, Dr. Thomaidis provides you with a modern and comprehensive approach to the diseases of the esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine, as well as liver, bile ducts and pancreas.

GI – Oncology

Through years of collaboration with the University Clinic of the Johannes-Gutenberg Universität in Mainz, Germany, Dr. Thomaidis has developed special research and clinical activities regarding the oncological diseases of the digestive system. As general secretary of the Hellenic Society of Digestive Oncology, he has created a specialized network that is framed by renowned Greek and foreign oncologists, surgeons and gastroenterologists. Therefore, a thorough diagnostic and therapeutic approach of the gastrointestinal oncologic diseases is guaranteed.